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class Sails::SolventAccessibility

Class for calculating solvent accessibility of glycosites in a structure.

This class provides methods to calculate the solvent accessibility of glycosites in a given structure. The solvent accessibility is calculated using a grid-based approach where if a given residue is within n Angstroms of the surface of the solvent mask, it is solvent accessible




public inline explicitSolventAccessibility(gemmi::Structure * structure)

Constructor for SolventAccessibility class.

public SolventAccessibilityMapaverage_solvent_accessibilty_map(const SolventAccessibilityMap & map)

Average and flatten the solvent accessibility map.

public std::map<Glycosite, double >calculate_solvent_accessibility()

Calculates the solvent accessibility for each glycosite in the structure.


private gemmi::Structure *m_structure

Pointer to a gemmi::Structure for use when calculating solvent mask and bounding box.

private gemmi::Gridm_solvent_mask

Solvent mask calculated during constructor.

private gemmi::Box< gemmi::Position >calculate_box()

Calculates the bounding box of the structure.

private SolventAccessibilityMapcreate_solvent_accessibility_map()

Create a solvent accessibility map.

private voidcalculate_solvent_mask()

Calculates the solvent mask for the structure.


public inline explicitSolventAccessibility(gemmi::Structure * structure)

Constructor for SolventAccessibility class.


  • structure A pointer to a gemmi::Structure object.

This constructor initializes a SolventAccessibility object with the given gemmi::Structure object. It sets up the solvent mask from the structure and calculates the solvent mask.

public SolventAccessibilityMapaverage_solvent_accessibilty_map(const SolventAccessibilityMap & map)

Average and flatten the solvent accessibility map.


  • map The original solvent accessibility map.


The flattened solvent accessibility map, where the average solvent accessibility for each residue site is calculated.

public std::map<Glycosite, double >calculate_solvent_accessibility()

Calculates the solvent accessibility for each glycosite in the structure.


A map containing the solvent accessibility value for each glycosite.


private gemmi::Structure *m_structure

Pointer to a gemmi::Structure for use when calculating solvent mask and bounding box.

private gemmi::Gridm_solvent_mask

Solvent mask calculated during constructor.

private gemmi::Box< gemmi::Position >calculate_box()

Calculates the bounding box of the structure.

This method calculates the bounding box of the structure by iterating over all models, chains, residues, and atoms in the structure and extending the box to include each atom position. The calculated box is then expanded by adding a margin of 8 Angstroms to each side.


The calculated bounding box of the structure.

private SolventAccessibilityMapcreate_solvent_accessibility_map()

Create a solvent accessibility map.

This method creates a solvent accessibility map for the given structure. The solvent accessibility map is a mapping of the glycosite (model index, chain index, residue index, atom index) to its corresponding solvent accessibility value.

The solvent accessibility value is initially set to 0 for each glycosite.


The created solvent accessibilty map.

private voidcalculate_solvent_mask()

Calculates the solvent mask for the structure.

It applies a mask on the grid based on the atomic radii set and the model index of the structure.

Last modified: 08 August 2024