NucleoFind 0.7.0 Help

Model Installation

NucleoFind uses a set of pre-trained machine learning models to predict where phosphate, sugar and base positions could be in an electron density map. Before you use NucleoFind you must install one ore more of these models. This is a simple step won't take very long.



nucleofind-install [OPTIONS]

Example Usage


nucleofind-install -m phosphate


-m, --model

Selects a model to download, choose one of:

  • phosphate

  • sugar

  • base

-o, --output

Select model download folder, default is site-packages.


Ignore -m flag and download all the models.


Reinstall the models, in-case of a newer version or corrupt download.

-h, --help

Displays help.

Last modified: 14 September 2024