NucleoFind 1.0.2 Help

Command Line Usage

Once the models for NucleoFind are installed, NucleoFind is ready to run. Use this command line syntax to predict nucleic acid positions from density.



nucleofind [OPTIONS]

Example Usage

Simple Syntax:

nucleofind -m nano -i reflections.mtz -o

Advanced Syntax:

nucleofind -m core -i reflections.mtz -o -r 2.5 -amplitude F -phase phi


Description of each option:

-i, -input

Path to input file.

Formats accepted: MTZ, CCP4, MRC and zipped equivalents


-o, -output

Path to output folder which will contain NucleoFind predicted phosphate, sugar, and base maps.

e.g. -o nucleofind-predictions



Name of NucleoFind model

Available Models:

  • nano (25M parameters)

  • core (105M parameters)

  • ultra (415M parameters)

Optional if only one model is installed, otherwise required.

-r, -resolution

Resolution cutoff off to use with reflection data

E.g. a value of 2.5 uses only the 2.5 Angstrom and greater reflctions in the map calculation

-n, -nthreads

Number of threads to use

Default: Max available

-f, -amplitude

Column name of structure factor amplitudes.

Default: FWT

-phi, -phase

Column name of structure factor phases.

Default: PHWT


Predict over the entire unit cell instead of the asymmetric unit

Default: True



Use GPU acceleration. (Linux only)



Enable debug logging.


Disable progress bar.

-h, --help

Displays help.

-v, --version

Displays version and exits.

Last modified: 02 January 2025