NucleoFind 1.0.2 Help

Python Usage

One the models for NucleoFind are installed, NucleoFind is ready to run. Use this Python syntax to predict nucleic acid positions from density.


Syntax to run a prediction:

import nucleofind as nf nf.predict_map("core", "data/ref.mtz", "data/nucleic-acids", amplitude = "FWT", phase = "PHWT", overlap=16)

The output will be a folder of name data/nucleic-acids containing three CCP4 maps named:




The signature of the function is shown below:

def predict_map(model: str, input: str, output: str, resolution: float = 2.5, amplitude: str = "FWT", phase: str = "PHWT", overlap: float = 16):
Last modified: 02 January 2025