Sails 0.3.1 Help

Automated Glycan Building in X-ray Crystallography



sails xray [OPTIONS]

Simple Example:

sails xray -modelin ABCD.cif -mtzin ABCD.mtz -cycles 1 -colin-fo FP,SIGFP

Advanced Example:

Attempt to build O-mannoses into ABCD.cif with structure factors.

sails xray -modelin ABCD.cif -mtzin ABCD-sf.cif.gz -type o-mannosylate -cycles 1 -colin-fo F,SIGF


Describe what each option is used for:


Path to input model file.

Formats accepted: PDB, mmCIF, CIF



Path to input MTZ or SF CIF file (may be gzipped).



Path to output CIF file.

Default: sails-model-out.cif


Path to output MTZ file.

Default: sails-refln-out.mtz


Path to output MTZ file.

Default: sails-log.json


Path to output SNFG directory.


Number of internal cycles to run.

Default: 2


Type of glycosylation


  • n-glycosylate

  • c-glycosylate

  • o-mannosylate

Default: n-glycosylate


Comma separated SF observations and associated uncertainty.

Default: FP,SIGFP


Comma separated SF weight and associated phase.

If supplied, Sails will not recalculate the map prior to the first cycle.



Verbose output


Displays help.


Displays version.

Last modified: 23 November 2024