Sails 0.3.1 Help

Find Glycosylation SItes

Sails provides a utility tool to find potential glycosylation sites in a given structure. Sails will search for N-glycosylation sites following the consensus sequence N-X-S/T where X is not proline, as well as for C-glycosylation sites following the consensus sequence W-X-X-W. The tool will output a JSON file with the residues that follow the respective motifs.



sails-find [OPTIONS]


sails-find -modelin built.cif -logout potential_sites.json


Describe what each option is used for:


Path to a model that requires comparison to a reference.

Formats accepted: CIF or PDB



Path to output JSON file

Default: sites.json

-h, --help

Displays help.

Last modified: 23 November 2024