Generate SNFG Diagrams
Sails provides a fast utility tool to generate Symbol Nomeclature for Glycans Diagram (SNFG) diagrams using Sails' internal diagram engine. A specific site can be specified with -chain and -seqid parameters, or, all the detectable SNFGs will be generated.
Example SNFG Diagram for a high mannose glycan
Example for one site:
Example for all sites:
Describe what each option is used for:
- -model
Path to a model that requires comparison to a reference.
Formats accepted: CIF or PDB
- -snfgout
Path to output SNFG(s)
Supply a directory if using --all, otherwise a path to an SVG file
- --all
Ignore chain and seqid, and generate all SNFGs that can be found for the input model
- -chain
Chain name containing the root protein residue
Example: A
- -seqid
Sequence Id of desired protein root residue
Example: 123