Sails 0.3.1 Help

Find WURCS Codes

Sails provides a utility tool to find the WURCS code of a glycan in a macromolecule. A single WURCS code can be generated for a known glycosite or all can be generated. These codes can be used to search glycomics databases.



sails-wurcs find [OPTIONS]


sails-wurcs find -modelin structure.cif -chain A -seqid 123
sails-wurcs find -modelin structure.cif -all -logout all_wurcs.json


Describe what each option is used for:


Path to a model.

Formats accepted: CIF or PDB



Path to output JSON file

Default: wurcs.json


Ignore chain and seqid, and generate WURCS codes for all glycans that can be found for the input model


Chain name containing the root protein residue

Example: A


Sequence Id of the root protein residue of a glycan (e.g. asparagine for an N-glycan)

Example: 123

-h, --help

Displays help.

Last modified: 23 November 2024